Friday, January 6, 2012

awesome layover in Cairo

So. It's been a pretty long time since I posted something on here - 4 months and 4 days actually.  I'm back in Kabul, just arrived about 2 days ago. 

On my way over I was fortunate enough to have a quick stop in Cairo.  Originally the plan was to visit for about 5 days or so, but do to usual problems with Visas and the USPS, my trip had to be postponed - so I only had about a 20 hour stop in Egypt.  Luckily my amazing friend and well known revolutionist, Salma, was an awesome host and had a pretty sick day lined up. 

First we went to see the Pyramids of Giza (touristy yes, but I had to); then a dope lunch from a corner shop; a guided tour of Old Cairo by another friend (who happened to be a scholar of Egyptian history), a quick stop at a cafe, and finally an amazing display of traditional Egyptian music and dance at cultural center.  Probably the most amazing 20 hour layover anybody could ask for. Below are some of the highlights from the day - much looking forward to stopping by again and thanks again to Salma and all her friends for such a cool visit.  More from Kabul soon to come...

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