Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Parsa Hike

A few weeks back, the homies over at Parsa invited us over for a hike up the side of this small mountain (big hill?) they live next to.  They have a really rad brunch there every Friday, and before the brunch we took a hike through a small village and up the hill to the top where there is a cell phone tower.  It was a pretty sick view - you could see all over Kabul.  We had the company of a pretty rad dog that followed us up for most of the way, then some local boys joined us from the village up to the top.  We also came across some dude who had a really messed up looking dog that he dragged (literally) to the top of the hill. This thing was on it's last limb and I'm not sure how it even made it to the top.  When we got up there he walked the dog into the distance and just tied it to a rock - there's a good chance he was just leaving it there to die I guess.  Anyways, it was a cool hike - shout out to the dudes at Parsa for hooking it up.

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