Thursday, June 23, 2011

Russian Cultural Center

It's been a while since my last post.  Things have been super busy here lately.  Our annual big Go Skateboarding Day event was this past Tues, the 21st.  There was media coverage from APBBC, MSNBC, Lomo and many others for those who are curious.  The Friday before Go Skate Day, however, we went out and did some exploring in the city.  We went to check out an potential skate spot which was an old Russian Cultural Center.  This place was f'ing gnarly!  The whole place was riddled with bullet holes and a bunch of spots were blown out from rpg's and whatnot.  Walking around, the first piece of advice I was given was to watch my feet.  There were used syringes and condoms everywhere from the junkies who hideout there - kinda reminded me of walking around FDR in Philly ha.  Anyways - these are a few pics from the day.

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