Friday, March 8, 2013

Driving to Mazar

I had to head up to Mazar i Sharif to do some stuff for work recently.  One of my colleagues was going to bring up one of our vehicles, so rather than fly up like I normally would (or any sane foreigner would), I opted to take the drive with my coworker.  There are a few areas on the road up where it is still a bit dangerous - for different reasons. The Salang Pass is probably the most sketchy area though. There is one really long tunnel with no ventilation, and when there is a traffic jam you can literally die from asphyxiation.  If you make it past the Salang without suffocating or being crushed in an avalanche, then you just need to make it through a few Talib hangouts and you're home free.  Unfortunately my camera bugged out and decided not to work until after we got past the Salang, so the only pics in the Pass are from my phone. But, overall the drive was a trip of a lifetime and I'd happily take the 10 hour drive again any day.

Sunrise over the Salang Pass

heading into the Salang

Black Dog (

buses coming from Mazar to Kabul - these dudes drive like maniacs

Near Baghlan - Taliban like to chill in this area apparantly

rolling hills

Chishmi Shir - Taliban hide in the trees here and attack convoys like the one in front of us here :)

In the hills of Samagan

pretty breathtaking stuff


Natural springs coming from under this mountain

Abdul bought this cassette on the way, pretty wild jams

there is a railroad in Afghanistan? crazy... 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

things my phone saw in Afghanistan

I was going through my iPhoto and found a bunch of old photos I took on my iPhone which I had sworn I had lost after my phone broke. I guess it didn't really occur to me that my photos synced up to my iPhoto, as I never use iPhoto for anything.  Anyways, there are some pretty cool shots here from Afghanistan during my time there in 2011 - 2012.  I'll be heading back there in a few days so it made sense to throw these up now.

our pipes froze for nearly 2 months in Kabul. 
session on the roof
what they know about a Philly Cheesesteak in Kabul!?
winter got pretty muddy
sick homemade angle iron at the Mekroyan Fountain - DIY!
handwritten ticket to Mazar
not what you want to see on a flight
flying out of Kabul
mountains on the way to Mazar
baggage claim in Mazar
walking the streets of Mazar
pool hall in Mazar

they had QVC on the tv in Mazar haha!

wedding hall in Mazar

baggage check leaving Mazar

Merza playing with a scorpion... crazy
one of the dogs at Nowzad - they do amazing work in Afghanistan with dogs
more Nowzad dogs

my buddy Tagah learning golf
Merza repping!
on a moto drive over TV hill
Oliver cruising over TV hill
this dude ran straight into the center of a roundabout
I'll take the Mutant Dew please
from our roof in Kabul
lunch with my buddies in Kabul
puppy at Nowzad
Rhianon wants a puppy.